Urban Art Museum

The world of architecture is growing every day and we are fortunate that we live in the information age. Works from all around the world are easily accessible to us. The problem becomes that it is becoming more and more difficult to find the diamonds that are hidden by the infinite sea of crap that is the internet. It is my hope that this becomes a master list of architecture firms that are producing notable architecture around the world. If you would like to add a link or believe that your firm should be added to this list, please fill out the form below, and who knows, we might even feature your firm on the front page.

How to use this page?

We are constantly working on ways to improve the functionality of the Critique This site, but we feel that the best way to display such content is on a single page. The firms are alphabetized according to firm name. The firm’s name, founder/partner and office location are all listed in the description of the firm. Use the search feature on your browser and type in New York, your browser will take you to each firm located in New York. If you have ideas on how to improve this section of our site please feel free to contact us!